"That took longer than expected" is starting to become a Mantra of Doom for me lately. o.o
Inbetween the previous strip and this one, I can at least say I got a A Little bit of "Downtime" in. I also cleaned out a ton of stuff from my little work area, filled it back up again over the Holidays, cleaned That stuff out again and now I'm at a decent equilibrium where the piles of randomness are gone and I'm putting some of the old Japan Crate boxes I've saved to good use. They now hold a bunch of my kitbashing and modeling gear.
I also fixed up my little blue Dell Netbook. All my time spent working to YouTube vids of Retro Tech Tubers building and rebuilding systems with modern parts rubbed off on me. I found a way to run WinXP on the old system. The hard part wasn't getting the OS installed so much as it was making sure it had new drivers so it'll run on an SSD. Only reason I went that far back on it was it could handle it. Dell had XP drivers for it and, although it has a sticker for Vista Home, I'd rather run the OS that other Coders seem to keep making improvements for. I'm even running a modern browser on it based off Chrome that's up-to-date and let's me run all of my usual "Lock Everything Down" type plugins so it being online is ever so slightly less sketch. = )
As for the State of the Strip... I honestly didn't work on it much while I was taking my break.
I kept to my goal of not spending all of my time away from posting just quietly working. It felt nice to honestly not work on stuff when I just couldn't focus. Not to put too sharp a point on it but *Gestures to the World* Things are Bad. I was very much in a brain fog for a while and constant stream of news still has me distracted. I needed to be honest with myself and take an Actual Break to just goof off, clean some stuff and work on other things.
Will this set me back on things? I guess. Would've loved to have a new book ready for the 27th. That's not happening. Said book is still planned but not coming out that soon.
As per usual, I'm going to stretch a bit and grab a bite to eat. I've been shrimping pretty bad tonight and I Know I'm going to feel it tomorrow. -.-
Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask if you need to. Get vaccinated if you can (Seriously!). Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.
'Till next time! = )