† Latest Strip: "Finally Shaped" - Sunday, June 2, 2024

- Latest Strip: "Finally Shaped" -
Sunday, June 2, 2024

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Update on... Stuff! >.<

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Ha HA! Yeah! Wow... figured I'd be able to write this up a lot sooner than like a month and a half since the last strip went up. o.o

You folks have waited long enough so let's do this, shall we?


- The new Biff Site is in the "Cleanup" phase.

I need to go through and fix spellings, make sure all the links work properly and hope that my fixes for various issues at a sizes larger and smaller than my personal fave viewport size have been fixed up. Besides updating the behind-the-scenes controls (read: The place I'm typing this up in right now), everything looks to be fine.

- The next book hasn't even been started yet.

I wanted to get that done or, at the very least, started but I've spent my entire time relearning a bit of Javascript and chasing down weird bugs in the new code. I'll do a proper write up later but Ho Boy! Was it not as fun as it should've been thanks to many of my older online sources of info being either dead or dying in 2024. -.-

- Despite everything, I Have New Art! = D

Alongside the site update, I wanted to redo the art on the Crew's Bio pages. The pics you can see on this current iteration of the site are nice. I love them and still like them all these years later. The thing is that I still like them All These Years Later. You see where I'm going? It's been a very long time since I did those and I wanted something that felt more in-line with how I draw the Crew today.

I also wanted an excuse to use some old materials that I've been trying to find a project for.

SO! The new Biff cast pics from here on out will be done on 2.5" x 3.5" Bristol Art Cards (Those "Artist Trading Card" thingies that were the Hot Newness like a decade ago at cons and stuff). They're an equivalent size to the actual comic panels and they're being inked and toned like the comic itself. Not that I didn't think to myself that doing a set of full color pics would be great at first. It just didn't feel right for the new website, if that makes any sense.

- -- ~ -- -

That's a lot of updates for Biff Stuff. As for what I did with the non-Biff Stuff... Not much!

Turns out I didn't really need to grind to boost my Hunter for Destiny 2's 'The Final Shape'. Bungie did a blanket level boost. Everything starts at 1900, every piece of equipment - both old and new - is able to be infused to the highest light level and said levels were either hard capped or enemies were permanently set five levels higher than you so they Kinda' don't matter anymore. That said, things were at that right amount of spicy to make this a Very satisfying end to Destiny's years long "Light and Dark Saga". = )

If you're an older player, this might be a good time to check out some playthrough vids and maybe hop back in again. New Light's still have a harder time as the intro missions are still kinda' "Go here, do a thing, now you're off into the wilds of the game. Good Luck!" but it's easier than ever to find folks willing to help.

Now I'm off to figure out which Story Bit to do next. I have a few written and the humidity in my area is a bit more tame as of late. I'm hoping to get a buffer built in-between doing those code fixes. I'll also be uploading some of the new Character Bio pics to my KoFi page. You can find that (as well as a bunch of books to buy) here. -> https://ko-fi.com/propheteka

Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask if you need to. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, July 21, 2024 - 12:15 AM

2 Destiny 2 Furious

Email Me Prophet on Twitter Prophet on Bluesky -
Ha HA! Surprise comic! >.<

I honestly wasn't going to do one for a while but... I tried my hand at drawing The Witness - the current Big Bad in the story of Destiny 2 - and found that weird Space Goth works remarkably well in the comic's style. Seeing as the next DLC, The Final Shape, is effectively the ending of a bunch of story beats for Bungie (Including the whole "Light and Dark Saga" they've been running since the D2) and I haven't drawn any straight up references to the game since the last Beta...

I figured I Had to shoot my shot and do up a quickie comic before returning to the other Biff-related things. = )

As for said things...

- The Test Site should be getting an update on Monday. I'll be uploading the updated Bios page (sans links). It's a bit of a mess so far but I'm slowly figuring out what all doesn't want to play nice at the wider sizes. Thinner/Mobile views look fine. It's the regular ol' desktop view that's wonky and not letting me set proper margins around the new profile pics.

- I'm in the process of figuring out the next Biff Book cover pic. This isn't a terribly complex thing (None of them are) but I have been tied up getting non-Biff stuff done. Like looking up tech stuff and whatnot for folks. It's not a lot but you'd be amazed how often it happens and for how long I'm sidetracked by it. o.O

I'm currently off to grind a bit longer to get my Hunter in fighting shape for The Final Shape. Ol' Bungo is letting us ancient Guardians run our older weapons again and Ho Boy! Am I getting my old load outs ready. If it ain't been brought back or I found a solid replacement, I'm digging it out from the dust filled corners of my Vault. = P

Remember: Stay Safe. Wear a Mask if you need to. Get vaccinated if you can. Get a booster if you're already good on all that. And remember to keep your head up.

'Till next time! = )


Sunday, June 2, 2024 - 12:11 AM

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