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A slight delay |
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Truth be told, I'd love to say the strip is done right now but it's not. I'm a bit backed up with other work and kinda' focusing on getting that out of the way first.
Fear not! It's a mass of pencil sketches and slowly making it's way to being a complete strip. You just gotta' wait a little bit longer for it. It's going up Sunday - come Hell or Bad Allergies.
To the Art Mines! >.<
Thursday, April 8, 2010 - 9:29 PM |
About this Story |
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Please forgive me for a moment while I indulge in a little back story.
This little two parter was written while trying to come up with something good for an Easter strip. Working at home and keeping some painfully late hours, I lack a good sense of days/weeks/months. It was only last Tuesday that I realized I had forgotten to set up something for Easter. = P
I have been meaning to flesh out Biff for a while now but I never really had much that clicked. Being woefully unprepared for the holiday forced my mind a bit to think up something good. After a number of bad ideas (including just recreating an old Christ vs. Easter Bunny strip I drew years ago instead), I think I may have something that'll work.
Part two is (hopefully) coming up on Wednesday. I hope you dig it as much as I am writing it. = )
Monday, April 5, 2010 - 5:23 AM |
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