Latest Strip: "Happy Holidays 2010" - Wednesday, December 29, 2010
- Latest Strip: "Happy Holidays 2010" -
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Oh, such coding I have done... | |
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It was delicious! >.<
Seriously though... I spent some time going through website and fixing some things up: - I cleaned up the Extras page by getting rid of the painfully defunct Frappr map. In it's place, I dropped in some updated UStream code and a live link to the HoA Presents! Livestream page. - I popped a bunch of new websites onto the Links page. - I added some fresh information to the Bios page. There is now a short description of the comic as well as something special at the bottom of the page. = )
As I pour through my backlog of links in my Webcomics to Check folder on my desktop, I'll add more. For now, It's a bit of gaming then a lot of writing. 'Till next time!
*Poof* |
Monday, January 3, 2011 - 11:32 PM |
Year's End and a Story's Future | |
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First up, I'd like to thank the folks for sticking around with me while I've had a string of bad luck. In an effort to save text (and let those who haven't heard the dulcet tones of my voice before), I recorded a Holiday-type message and dropped it on my Tumblr account. -> [LinksTastic!]
Next up is the future of this story arc (as well as the strip itself). I have said since I started doing this strip that I wouldn't post anything I didn't have my heart in. If I didn't feel something was up to my standards, I would rather be exceptionally late and revise the bajeezus out of it to get it right than post something that I felt sucked.
Well... that's the situation right now.
I'm knee deep in this and the next strip is still sub par. The joke just isn't clicking. With outside forces seemingly plotting against me, this has all combined into one hell of a bad creative situation. I now have a new machine and I'm starting to pull out of the funk that I have been in most of December. The only thing left the fix is the joke. There is no way I'm going to finish fixing it in time for Sunday. Instead, I'm going to take a bit of a break from the story while I get things straight.
Since Biff is written a lot like a sitcom, consider this an extended commercial break while I fix things with the story. I'll drop a Capra comic in a week or two. By then, I hope to have things back in order... assuming Murphy doesn't make another surprise visit. -.-
*Poof* |
Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - 9:28 PM |
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