Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #16: A History of Biff" - Sunday, February 6, 2011
- Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #16: A History of Biff" -
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The House of (Movie) Ideas | |
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If you're a football fan, a fan of expensive 30 minute ads or anyone apt to watching animal-based cuteness; you know that Sunday was Super Bowl XLV. The game at some good moments and I'm glad the Packers won (it's a family thing) but the bulk of the attention was placed on the hoopla found in-between the action on the field.
This year, we got to see the latest two cinematic offerings from the mighty Marvel Studios - Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger. The former was great. The latter... not so much. Allow me to explain and link those who missed the fun to the trailers to see what I mean.
- Thor (US Release: May 6, 2011) Truth be told, I've never been that big a fan of Marvel's most famous Asgardian. He's cool but I was a bigger fan of the original legends. That said... yeah. That TV spot really sold it for me. The movie looks interesting enough that I'd drop cash to see it in the theaters on or relatively close to opening day. That's not something I can say for many movies nowadays. It has the feel of the first Iron Man or X-Men in that it will have the action the property deserves as well as a good story to tell - not one or the other. I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.
- Captain America: The First Avenger (US Release: July 22, 2011) Unlike Thor, I am a fan of Cap. He has a great comic book history. He was built during the Second Great War, he has fought everything from Nazis to Hydra to unfair laws. He was a normal, scrawny guy who - through the use of the Super Soldier serum - was made into a long-lasting symbol of the good in America. Why don't I feel this in the TV spot? I know it's a teaser trailer. It's custom built to spark interest in the film and create the necessary buzz in the rest of the populace. I wasn't feeling it. Fan that I am, I'll wait until an actual trailer is dropped but the quick cuts made it feel too much like a modern action flick, not something that's essentially a WWII-based war film with people in more colorful outfits.
All in all, it was good to see more from Thor and something tangible from Cap. As for Warner Bros, I was a bit disappointed I didn't see something from the Green Lantern movie.
As for today's strip... it will be a bit late. Poor time management on my part lead to a few snags. Fear not! I will get something up soon enough. = )
'Till next time!
*Poof* |
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - 4:55 AM |
It's a Filler! | |
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Yep. I wanted to do this thing that seemed to have popped up recently amongst a number of webcomic folks I'm a fan of. It's a time line of sorts of one of their characters (usually the main) from first appearance to today. I didn't want this thing to be too long so I left out the original Biff pic from 2003: [LinkTastic!]
Now, I'm off to watch the Super Bowl and get some more drawing done. There should be one more regular strip on Wednesday, then it's back to the Story Arc of Doom. 'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, February 6, 2011 - 6:40 PM |
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