Latest Strip: "Opening Night" - Sunday, February 20, 2011
- Latest Strip: "Opening Night" -
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats! Ho!! | |
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Thanks to the folks at CollectionDX, we finally get to see a full line-up of toys from the newest incarnation of the classic 80's cartoon, Thundercats! = D
Check the link for the full details: [LinkTastic!]
At first, when I heard the news that one of my favorite cartoons from back in the day was being rebooted, I was skeptical. Let's just say that there hasn't been much good news on the "Cartoons I Like Being Updated" front as of late. That 3D Yogi movie is a prime example of Hollywood's ability to kill childhood memories. My hope was restored somewhat with the news that Studio4°C (The folks behind The Babysitter short from Halo Legends) was on tap for the animation. After seeing the toys Bandai showed off at Toy Fair 2011 I can say I'm not only optimistic but honestly excited about the new show. = )
On that same front, I've known that the fine folks at World Events Productions have been plotting a similar brand of awesome for Voltron. Although there hasn't been a showing of neat new Voltron Force gear yet, they have been dropping artwork and storyboards for the coming series on their Facebook page. Considering the last time they played around with a Voltron television series - Voltron: The 3rd Dimension - was pretty lackluster, this looks to be an interesting turn for the old crew.
Between comic movie and rebooted classic cartoon series, 2011 is looking to be an eventful year. = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, February 20, 2011 - 12:37 AM |
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