Latest Strip: "Horse of a Different Color" - Tuesday, June 21, 2011
- Latest Strip: "Horse of a Different Color" -
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Con Report: WWPhilly 2011 | |
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I know that many folks that read the strip also follow my devArt accounts or my Tumblr account. In an effort to not beat you over the head with this exceptionally long post, I'll give you the Cliff Notes version. Click the link for the full version. -> [LinkTastick!] = )
On the bad/strange: I lost my phone and one of my hats. It was a bit of a crazy ordeal but I somehow managed to at least get my phone back. The pins on my hat will be missed. To whoever finds my hat: Please wash it first then enjoy your new hat! That's how I ended up with my fave Yankees cap. = )
On the good: - Got to meet Spookychan (A.K.A. - Chandra Free)! Nice girl with a sharp haircut. I also have a bad feeling I may have spooked her a bit. If so, I'm sorry! - Got into the Bruce Campbell Q&A. A really funny guy. I wasn't surprised by the number of Evil Dead questions but I was pleasantly surprised when someone mentioned one of my fave BC roles - Brisco County Jr. - Picked up an unholy crap-ton of literature. From missing comics to really kickass sketchbooks/collections. All of it sitting on my drawing table ready to be poured through and devoured like the comics reader I am. = ) - Got to spend my mornings chatting it up with a friend I rarely get to chill with. Seriously, nothing beats sitting down with a cup of free coffee and shooting the breeze with a buddy.
Now for what everyone is waiting for... The Breakdown
All in all, a very cool yet very expensive con for me. It was worth the expense for the time to chill with a couple of friends I dont normally get to chill with that often to work/life/other situations. = ) |
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 - 8:55 PM |
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