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A Pokemon Predicament |
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I know I'm fairly late to the game (I usually am) but I Finally picked up a copy of Pokemon White. Now everything about it is fun. Sure, I'm out a Victini that the former owner got but I can live with it. I still have all the special freebies that you could get with Pearl and Soul Silver, right?
Well... kinda' sorta'. I have them. I got them fair and square and everything. I'm just missing a second DS to actually pull them off those carts and into my current game. -.-
Slight miscalculation.
A minor oversight.
A damn shame as I Really want that Zorua without resorting to cheat codes.
In the mean time, I'm rocking a Scolipede and making my way through Driftveil City. I promise to stop long enough to bust out the next strip and maybe - just maybe - get it up on Wednesday instead of next Sunday.
'Till next time! = )
Sunday, September 16, 2012 - 12:35 AM |
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