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Change Places! |
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Thanks to my brother, I have a whole load of new gear. It's his old gear that he was getting rid of but it's still newer than my current stuff. This is fantastic, right? I have a new system, new widescreen monitor, a couple of printers and a fax machine all ready to be tested and spruced up all for the low low price of getting it out of his garage. That's as close to stealing as one can get!
Well... it is great. It's also where I ended up spending most of my drawing time the first half of the week. I tried moving my current system over to the new one. Thanks to my lack on non-OEM WinXP install disks, it proved a bit more complicated than the simple swap I was hoping for. After two days of work, I was still left with a nice fast system running a bum copy of WinXP. These OEM disks are fantastic on the systems they came with. On a hand built system like my brother had, the key comes up as invalid. I'm not keen on risking my main PC - the one I use for Biff and my business stuff - trying the many ways to sidestep the normal activation and whatnot. I would jump over to Win7 in a heartbeat but that's still not in the budget quite yet. This leaves me in a sticky situation.
So what's a guy to do but hook up his old rig again (with half the memory and a spare graphics card) and get back to work. I do have a regular old WinXP disk somewhere, I know it. Bought it years ago. Instead of digging around to find it ASAP, I'm going to work ahead a bit then pop back on that project. The faster system will still be here and it seems pretty silly to blow deadlines and not be current with my other projects while I muck about with another computer. = )
'Till next time!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012 - 10:55 PM |
A Wrench in the Works |
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I'm getting some system stuff done at the moment. Main system is out of commission for a bit while I try to switch it over to a newer rig. If I can't get this thing up and running soon, I'll post an Off-Sides with a preview of some stuff I have on the table for later.
Thankfully, I've played this little game wiser than I normally do. I've done this hardware shuffle in the past on short notice before. This time, my old rig still functions and I can still switch stuff back in a pinch. It'll take a bit of doing, mind you, but it can still be done. = )
Let's just hope this new hardware plays nice tonight! >.<
Wednesday, October 3, 2012 - 2:01 AM |
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