Latest Strip: "Near and Far" - Wednesday, October 10, 2012
- Latest Strip: "Near and Far" -
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Takin' a Week Off | |
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On the table at the moment:
- I have some script stuff done but nothing for Halloween. - I have a pic for Halloween on the desk that needs finishing. - I have some new products to design before November so I have something fresh for the Holiday shopping season.
Instead of trying to focus on everything at once, I'm going to take a week to work on these projects proper. It's a far better plan than goin' nuts trying to make deadlines only to make excuses for missed times.
I'll drop some previews here and on my Tumblr page. -> [Link]
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Saturday, October 13, 2012 - 3:01 AM |
Items! Of! Interest! = D | |
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Today, I come not just to link you to an old Sesame Street bit featuring Grover [Link]. No, no... I also came to pimp a few Kickstarter projects I'm diggin' on at the moment. = D
- Angry Viking Press: [Link] Good folks with a good idea. I had the pleasure of chatting it up with Jason Canty back in '09. They're good folks with some great books. Back then, they were going through a couple of alternate comics distribution companies to get their product into stores. Their Kickstarter will not only help get them into Diamond but also go toward basic expenses, upgrading their equipment, expanding their line-ups and more. Well worth checking out. = )
- Lazerman TPB: [Link] I ran into the folks at HB Comics down at Wizard World Philly a number of years ago. Picked up Lazerman on a whim. Dug it enough that I got the rest of the four issue series the next time I saw them. This Kickstarter is to help fund a trade paperback version of that original artwork plus some very nice extras. If you like your superheroes brightly colored and kinda' goofy, this one's for you!
- The Thrilling Adventure Hour GN: [Link] From the nation's favorite new time podcast in the style of old time radio comes... Comics! = D Seriously. Their Kickstarter is to bring to the printed page some of their fantastic stories and characters that normally just live in the aether as voices through speakers (and players on the stage for those who get out to see them live). As a fan of the podcast and a lover of comics, this needs to happen. 'Sparks Nevada, Marshal on Mars' and 'The Adventures of Captain Laserbeam' NEED to be in print.
- Martin Monsterman GN: [Link] This one I actually have no tie to. It just looks cool. = ) The concept is simple: Martin Monsterman is cursed. Every day, he gets a notice that tells him what monster he'll turn into that day. Needless to say, comedy ensues. In fact, it's the bit of story on the Kickstarter's page that hooked me. The artwork looks gorgeous and the jokes are good. A perfect combo and worth checking out.
That's enough pimpage of other folk's projects for now. I have a bit of writing to get to then it's back to the Art Mines for me.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, October 10, 2012 - 1:24 AM |
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