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Possible Product Question |
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Since I got my ThinkPad Tablet, I have been like crazy productive on the non-comic art front. Well... as "crazy productive" as a guy like me can be. One thing that's I've always wanted to do is to sell something small like mini posters and charms through this site. Since posters could prove cumbersome at the moment, I figured I'd start small and go with cellphone charms. I know I technically have small items like buttons and whatnot in the Zazzle shop, I kinda' wanted to do something less "Button on a Chain" and more like the little plastic doodads that you find online and at conventions.
Why charms? They're small. They're light. They can easily slip into a normal envelope. They're also easy to store if I end up making them in any type of large quantity. And that's the part where you - the readers - come in.
Is this a thing you folks would like to see and Actually purchase from me? I don't mind making the things in small batches but I'm also curious if there is any type of interest in such a product outside of myself.
Do me a solid and drop your comments on this strip. That way I can keep track of them easily and I don't have to shuffle through a mountain of email to find the info later. = )
I'm off to doodle up that little gorgon girl for my next Monster Girl pic.
'Till next time! = )
Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 1:24 AM |
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