Latest Strip: "Clearly Opaque" - Wednesday, April 10, 2013
- Latest Strip: "Clearly Opaque" -
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
New Mewtwo?! | |
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I don't normally do blog posts about video games but this one hits home as I Really want to play it when it drops. So much so that I'm willing to pay money for a whole new portable system even though my old one still works fantastically well. That game... Pokemon X/Y. This post doesn't so much concern the game itself as it does the design of a recently released critter.
A critter that looks remarkably like a personal fave of mine from the original Pokemon games: Mewtwo.
Some call it "Mewthree", others have dubbed it "NewMew"... me? I call it Majin Mew. -> [Art LinkTastic!]
I can't help it. It looks too goofy and its tail-head-thingie reminds me too much of one of the forms of Majin Buu - Pink baddie from the DragonBall series - to take it seriously. Mewtwo is this angry looking critter, a misguided all-powerful engineered Pokemon (and star of the movies 'Mewtwo Strikes Back' and 'Mewtwo Returns') who pops up at the very end of the Gen 1 Pokemon games. A little Burger King toy of it sits just under the screen of my Art Desk computer. = )
Majin Buu... has a really cool demon look on its face and a tricked out horn-like crest on its head. It also has a tail growing out the back of its noggin and toes that, while I was drawing them, reminded me of Gonzo the Muppet's nose. Not the same kind of menacing effect, ya' know? o.O
Ah, well. Is it a new evolution for Mewtwo? Is it another clone of Mew? Have I lost the folks who never played the series before? Only time will tell. It's back to scripting for me. I think I have a good idea that'll work for the length of time I want.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - 12:59 AM |
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