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Some behind-the-scenes testing is afoot! |
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Trying to join the rest of the world by using a CMS that isn't cobbled together with duck tape and tears. Trying my hand once again at WordPress. This time around, I'm going with the Comic Easel plugin and flipping between building a child theme for Easel and the latest version of ComicPress.
All this while I try to break through an art block.
It's a lot on my plate but shifting from staring down a blank strip template and making some progress on code generally kicks me back into gear.
I'll drop a link to the test site once I have more to work with.
'Till next time! = D
Monday, September 2, 2013 - 1:15 AM |
Luna Rising |
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Those keen-eyed folks who have seen my computer desk, my drawing desk or even my bookshelf know I've developed a bit of an addiction to those blind bag MLP figures. Although I do also scoop up other toys (Like my little Deathscythe Hell EW figure), the MLP blind bags have taken up a fair chunk of real estate as of late.
Granted, I probably won't stop here but I'm pleased to say I finally got my fave princess...
Indeed! I got myself a little Luna to add to my collection and keep me company while I work all night on stuff. = P
Now to get Back to that work. After the time I spent on sticking together/testing out/reinstalling/cleaning up my new system (who's final specs I'll post later), I need to rebuild my lost buffer and polish off any extra pay work I need to do.
'Till next time! = D
Thursday, August 22, 2013 - 3:32 AM |
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