Latest Strip: "Family Ties Pt2" - Tuesday, December 10, 2013
- Latest Strip: "Family Ties Pt2" -
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
My Personal Favorite Christmas Specials | |
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Over on my main Tumblr page, I've made it a thing to post up some of the best and oddest Christmas specials from my youth. This has been going on long enough that I've built quite a collection. Instead of going down them all, I figured it'd be easier to chunk them out instead. = )
These three in particular have stood the test of time for me and ones I tend to watch when the need arises.
- Mickeys Christmas Carol (1983) Why this thing isn't on the Disney Channel or ABC during the holidays on a near constant loop is beyond me. - Will Vintons Claymation Christmas (1987) This studio brought us the California Raisins, the Noid, and 'The PJs'. Most of all, it brought us a neat little Christmas special hosted by Rex and Herb - the best dinosaur hosts around. = ) - Charlie Brown Christmas - Performed by the Cast of Scrubs (2003/2004) I love the original Charlie Brown Christmas. It's a classic. I also love the show 'Scrubs'. When I found that they made their own version, I felt it was two great tastes that were remarkably funny together. Not exactly safe for work at times.
So, there you have it. A nice trio of Christmas specials to help you make through the day. If you find yourself bored and curious, check the Christmas tag on my Tumblr blog for the whole shebang.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 1:54 AM |
More Announcements! >.< | |
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Huzzah! = D
This marks the last of this bit of story and the start of a short vacation for me. I'm going to take some time in December to get around to things I've been meaning to do before year's end. Small things like site tweaks, link clean-up and reformatting the Biff volumes so they can be submitted to more places that sell comic books.
You know... small stuff. = P
That said, I'll still swing back through for something good toward the end of the year. Can't leave folks hanging for too long in December of all months. Plus, I'll keep folks up-to-date and all in the the news section (AKA - Here!). Maybe drop a list with a few good Holiday specials. Ya' never know!
Lastly, I popped the Biff books up to my Gumroad shop for folks that want yet another way of getting them. -> [LinkTastic!]
It's back work for me. Need to take care of some less glamorous things (clean my art desk, empty the garbage, set up a new book project for my Monster Girl pics) then get into script writing while some ideas are still fresh.
'Till next time! = D
*Poof* |
Tuesday, December 10, 2013 - 12:45 AM |
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