Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #30: Pokemon'd" - Tuesday, April 1, 2014
- Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #30: Pokemon'd" -
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Good News, Everyone! = D | |
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Like, actual good news. No gags this year. = )
First up, in reference to the strip... I can now add 'Pokemon Master' to my LinkedIn profile. The proof is on Tumblr. -> [Link]
Now onto other cool non-prank stuff that's happened today (and late yesterday)! That's right! School is back in session. I'm pleased to say one of my fave monster filled comics is back from a bit of a hiatus. If you haven't checked 'em out before, get in on it. It's a fantastic strip that I'm happy to see back in action.
For real. They actually updated Homestar Runner. And it's a good long update, too. This would be the first new HR update in, what... three years or so? Go check 'em out and relive the olden days of internet entertainment.
- The doc 'Stripped' is out on iTunes! I've mentioned this doc a few times before back during their Kickstarter campaigns. It's Dave Kellett (Creator of 'Drive', 'Sheldon' and all-around great guy) and Fred Schroeder's look on comic strips both past and present and the changing of the times. These guys even got some big time press by doing the improbable - getting famed cartoonist Bill Watterson (Creator of 'Calvin & Hobbs') to do the cover art for it. From what I've heard, it's a fantastic doc and it's available for $14.99 ($12.99 for SD).
That's about it, really. That and props to Sunrise on the finale for Gundam Build Fighters. That ending was fantastic and I hope there's more Plavsky Particle-based goodness soon.
'Till next time! = D
*Poof* |
Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - 7:13 PM |
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