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ORLY?! |
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Yep. I'm putting the inks on the next Biff comic soon. Expect it around the weekend... earlier if you're a devArt person as I'll post this new one there as soon as I finish it.
That's all for now. Let's all hope I can get on some manner of schedule.
Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 3:29 PM |
School Time once more... |
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And (Hopefully) this will translate into some comics. I don't know exactly why but the more projects I do at once, the less I goof off. All projects tend to get a boost during this season.
Too many excuses, I know. 0.@ For those still with me - stay tuned. For those looking back on this post from a future date - I really hope I got back on track before hell itself froze over and became the lovely winter vacation spot it is today.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006 - 2:24 AM |
Truer than Most |
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People, you just don't appreciate the complexities of being a slacker and having the drive to make something as grand as a comic strip of any kind - print or web - until you're knee deep in it. 'Tis true, I have been working on more scripts and trying to get the story arcs down on paper (Both scripted and drawn) but I have been spending a bit more time slacking off and gaming than I really should be. o.@
I have some scripts done and the next few comics will be posted once I'm a good eight comics in at least a bit and a half deep drawn and ready to go. I'm doing this so I'll have about a two month buffer to get things straight in the time management department. Remember: Once this machine of mine is off and running the comic will be posted weekly. The two month buffer allows for added content and it gives me the opportunity to keep my head during my classes/life/etc.
Long and short of it - Being a Slacker with Ambition is a very dangerous thing. o.o
Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 2:34 AM |
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