Latest Strip: "The Lightning Count" - Wednesday, August 6, 2014
- Latest Strip: "The Lightning Count" -
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Cartoons and Newsletters | |
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This has been a strange day. The 'Net has been up and down and up again. So, I'm taking the moment and getting this news post done before it fails on my again! >.<
First: The Cartoons! - As you've seen with this bit of story, I'm a Gundam fan. I really dug their recent series - Build Fighters - and I'm happy to see them continuing it with 'Build Fighters Try' coming in October. It might have been announced a bit ago but the fine folks at Gundam.Info finally dropped an English translation of their show's website. = )
You can check that out here. -> [LinkTastic!]
- Another thing Gundam.Info did was pop up the film 'Char's Counterattack' to their YouTube page. Again, I love when companies like Bandai and Sunrise - the folks who make the products I dig - pop there shows up to YouTube so folks like myself can enjoy them without going through other less-than-honorable sites to see them. It's a short run for the month of August but take a minute and check it out. It's some pretty good stuff and a nice end cap for the original UC series.
You can check that out here. -> [CharTastic!]
Next: The Newsletter!
I mentioned this in an earlier post. There has been a strange number of bounce backs and 'Failure to Complete's recently and I'm really not sure why. To get a better handle on it, I'm asking folks who have signed up for the newsletter and haven't received it in a while to drop me a line at my address - prophet (at) SillyVamp (dot) com - or the 'Ask a Vampire' address with a subject line "Newsletter Problem" so I can tell it apart from the rest. Going to look into it but I need a better understanding of what's up first.
Also, please remember to white-list biff (at) SillyVamp (dot) com. This could also be a reason you haven't been getting it. I know Gmail can be pretty crazy when it comes to newsletters and seeing them as Spam.
I'm going to grab a late night coffee and set to work on the next strip. It's a double-decker so it may or may not drop on Sunday but that's the day I'm pushing for.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - 2:28 AM |
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