Latest Strip: "The Undefeated of the East" - Monday, August 25, 2014
- Latest Strip: "The Undefeated of the East" -
Monday, August 25, 2014
Website Re-Coded | |
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Although I'm not quite back from my work break just yet, I am doing something Biff-related. I'm rebuilding the page.
Refresher: The site didn't play well with AdBlock Plus. In fact, it drove it nuts. Try as I might to figure out what was causing it, I couldn't. So I asked the fine folks at the ABP forums for help.
If you haven't read the comments under this strip (No. 313) yet, I did get a response. Seems that the issue has been fixed but it's in the latest development build. You can read the conversation at the ABP forums here -> [Link]
This didn't stop me from messing around, though. I decided to recode the whole homepage. Partly to see if I could figure out what was up as I built the page up and partly to see how clean I could make this hodgepodge of code. It's a mess under the hood of this place. A bunch of old tables and functionally useless fragments from years of background tinkering. Not to mention I never really bothered to drop comments so I could swap things out without chomping into things. -.-
That said, I'm feeling good with this new version. I looks fairly similar to this current site design only with a few barely noticeable tweaks and it's a little lighter code-wise. Now I'm at the point where I'm looking for input and folks able to test on platforms I don't currently have access to. You can check out the two versions I'm messing with at the following links. - Page w/Original CSS (Verdana font): [Suitor No.1] - Page w/Tweaked CSS (Komika Text Regular font): [Second Suitor]
The two things I'm on the fence with are the font face and the dueling Twitter feeds. I like both but this is one of those times where asking others folks opinions is Way safer than going with my gut. What I like for my own stuff isn't always what others would like or even suggest I run with. In matters of design, going with the larger sample group than "Single Coffee-addicted Sleep-deprived Cartoonist" is Always a safe bet.
Speaking of which, it's time for me to get of the computer for a while. Maybe try some of that "Sleep" stuff folks talk about.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, September 3, 2014 - 5:01 AM |
Work Break! | |
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That's right! Not that I've reached the end of a fairly long story bit, it's time for me to take some time away from Biff to work on other stuff. Namely and few websites (including this one) and some new Product Fodder.
While I'm away, there is something I need from folks. AdBlock Plus is going nuts when folks visit the site. I spent the past few days trying to figure out what could be causing it. I'm not sure if it's the videos I've been embedding recently (easily fixable) or something to do with one of the EasyList filters (not-so-easily fixable). I have two confirmations - a reader and myself - but I need more input before I can really get at it. If you have ABP and the blocked count just runs like an old Loony Tunes altimeter gag, drop a comment with what browser you used that this happened in. I need a better idea as to when and where this is happening so I can clear things up.
My honor as a codemonkey is at stake! >.<
And so I don't leave folks on such a sour note: The fine folks at Sunrise have dropped a preview video for the next Gundam Build Fighters series, Build Fighters TRY. Since I've noticed non-embedded subtitles in YouTube vids are sketchy, you can hit the link and check it out. - [Set Your GP Base]
Now to grab some Tylenol, a little fresh air and a coffee. This will be a long night of coding with a client's new website being launched by week's end.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Monday, August 25, 2014 - 10:29 PM |
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