Latest Strip: "Cute" - Sunday, February 15, 2015
- Latest Strip: "Cute" -
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Artings Ahoy! | |
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A quickie update before I get back to scripting...
Finally got around to doing something non-Biff related. It's my little Dry Bones guy (barely) driving a kart. You can check it out here. -> [Tumblr Kart-Tastic!]
As for Biff: I'm going to hammer out a nit more of this story bit then get back to updating something I've let sit for a Very long time - my ads. When you come across a Biff ad on someone else's page, you're looking at artwork that's almost as old as the strip itself. Even the newest ones are just the covers of the latest books. So I'm going through, retiring the oldest of the old and drawing up some new ones later (including the placeholders you see on the site).
Back to work for now. Although I'm working on something longer, I do have something written up for Sunday. Just need to rock out a little harder and get stuff done. = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, February 18, 2015 - 9:51 PM |
What can I say? | |
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She's just my type - Cute, short-haired and slightly reptilian. = P
Minor joking aside, I hope folks had a lovely Valentine's Day/Saturday. I ended up popping those Valentines I made up to the SillyVamp devArt page in an effort to spread them around a bit and give at least one stable link while I go through and fix up some background things here. You can find that (and a slightly-delayed mirror of the strip) at right here. -> [SillyVamp deviantArt Account]
Might skip Wednesday's update and post something new next Sunday. I have a bit of work left to finish up and some more scripts to write. Figure I'll take the time to get something good instead of rushing and trying to bust out something I'm not happy with. Plus, I still have to finish the Vol.2 edits so I can resubmit that to ComiXology. Not to mention getting something going on the what I have planned for the strip's anniversary coming up at the end of the month.
A bunch of work? Sure but it'll be So worth it once I'm done. = )
'Till next time!
*Poof* |
Sunday, February 15, 2015 - 8:38 PM |
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