Latest Strip: "Suit Up" - Wednesday, March 4, 2015
- Latest Strip: "Suit Up" -
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
My Task is Complete! = D | |
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Here's the deal: I mentioned before that I needed to finish rescanning and updating Biff Vol.2 so I could resubmit it to ComiXology. Well... around 3:30am this morning, I finally made it. There was a chunk toward the end that actually needed Far more work than I was expecting. Changes in supplies, lack of lineweights and a less-than-awesome humid summer left the inks so close to the surface of the paper that they were lifting up with the light erasing I was doing to clean off any extra graphite. Then I decided to go through and rebuild the double-decker pages which took way less time than I thought it would.
Needless to say, it added a full day to the project. -.-
The good news is that the completely updated file is good to go. For those looking to purchase, it's the one found in the shop at All the various links listed. -> [BookTastic!]
For those who have already bought it... that's a bit of an issue. DriveThru customers should've received a notice this morning when that change went live. Not sure how Lulu handles things but it's fixed there, too. I don't think anyone bought it through Gumroad yet but check if you have. PayPal folks need to get that update from me directly. The easiest way for that to happen is via email (just state what's up so I can match it to my records) or Skype me if you know me there.
Now to sketch up the next strip. Think I'm going to push this 'till Wednesday so I'm not all rushing to finish and post it. I also want to spend a minute on a different project - a bad joke I feel the need to bring to life.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 10:04 PM |
I bring you... Stuff! O.O | |
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Yes! Finally getting some other updates out of the way. One of them is a touch-up of my old 'Better Living through Geomancy' design. I switched up one of the fonts used, tweaked the brushes I had applied to the lines and generally fixed things I say wrong after having it in my hands on a t-shirt for years. You can see the image here. -> [Brains!]
The other thing is simply making products with one of my fave older pieces on them. In '08, I made a neat little pic called "It All Started Back in '89" of a cartoon-y Gameboy with a pacifier (Like you do). I wanted to drop it on stuff over on Zazzle but I also noticed they were kinda' heavy-handed when it came to parody or certain IP's. That's why I don't have my "The Bunny that wouldn't Die" poster up in the shop. The Metroid in the jar kinda' killed it. I've noticed that RedBubble is a little more accepting of parody. So I posted it there! You can see the image above and check the listing out proper here. -> [LinkTastic!]
That's about it for now. Might have to skip the Sunday update. I've been putting off the ComiXology stuff off for Far too long and really need to get on that.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 - 9:46 PM |
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