Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #8 - Burnt" - Tuesday, August 5, 2008
- Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #8 - Burnt" -
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Site Update: Links Page | |
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I finally finished up my recent update of the Links page. A whole slew (That's right. "Slew") of new comics for your viewing pleasure. Since there's quite a few, I figured I would give props to a few that are fairly new and I'm really enjoying.
- F Chords by Kris Straub: I'm an off-and-on reader of his other comic Starslip Crisis but I think he's really hooked me with this one. I'll use Kris' words to explain it: "Morningbell Studios is a small recording facility in Austin, TX. Ash and Wade, our heroes, are forced to get by on recording thirty-second jingles for radio commercials. Will they give up on their dreams of rock stardom? (Probably.)"
- Broken Plot Device by Lizardbeth: BPD is a funny Slice-of-Life comic about a group of friends living in an old converted book printing factory. Great artwork and solid jokes. What more could you ask for? = )
- Whubble by Jaime Smart: Office based comedy from the creator of Bear, Ubu Bubu and Bohda Te. I can't quite put my finger on it but I think it's the randomness of the jokes that gets me. The artwork is perfectly cartoon-y, too. An excellent read.
Hit up these comics and drop by the Links page for more webcomic-y goodness... that is... after you read Biff, of course. = P
*Poof* |
Thursday, August 7, 2008 - 7:14 PM |
ConnectiCon '08 - Wrap-up | |
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Unlike the ND Trip, this will be a more proper write up. = )
As I've mentioned far too many times before, no table this year so my friend Christian and I had no "Homebase" to return to when things got tiring. Like with any con, things get tiring very quickly. So much to do and see there, it can make your head spin if you're not careful.
- Day one went well enough. The con had expanded so much that they ended up renting out another whole level of the center this year. Had to hunt a bit for Artist Alley. Turns out it got moved last Sunday to a much larger spot. Once there, I stopped by my usual hits during the con: the Comedity and the Radbu Productions booths. Finally got to adopt a penguin from Garth and found out that the Margarator is indeed a real product. Never know when you'll need a gallon of Margaritas... as scary as that sounds. Passed through the Dealer's Room and had a nice chat with Shawn Handyside of Staccato fame and picked up even more buttons for my ever-growing collection. Swung by the cats over at Morlock Enterprises and picked up a light-up fairy in a bottle. Hit up the AppleGeeks booth, bought a copy of Hawk's sketchbook and had a bit of a chat with Ananth. Friends and I dropped by ConnectiCon! the Musical and have been complaining about it since. Remember folks: Plays are complex things. Have your audio in check and your cast ready to run on all cylinders BEFORE you start the show. Nothing hurts my mind more than audio problems and folks not projecting because they didn't quite figure on the room's horrible acoustics. -.- Hit up Hellboy 2 to shake the memories of the performance out of my head. A very good flick indeed.
- Day two was more of the same, really. Swung by the AppleGeeks booth again and got Hawk's signature. Was oddly afraid of him for some reason. Never was the timid type but it could just have been a momentary thing. Picked up a "Detergent" shirt over at the VG Cats booth and chatted for a minute with KittyKit. Dropped by the Red5/8-Bit Theater booth to collect the sigs from Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener. Bought more stuff in Artist Alley and dropped by a screening of the Devil May Cry anime series. Really good stuff indeed.
-Day three was short. Bought more stuff at the AppleGeeks booth and spoke with Scott over at the VG Cats booth. Got him to sign my Leo plushie (which I had forgotten to bring the previous two days). Snagged a nifty little book from the Brian of Hookie Dookie Panic/Geist Panik. Stopped in on a showing of Gurren Lagan and pretty much headed home tired as hell. Now for the breakdown! >.<
The Break-Down Days Spent: 3 Cash Spent: A little under $200. Posters/Pics: 1 T-Shirts: 1 Books: 2 Pins: 4 Stickers: 2 Penguins: 1 Guys cosplaying as Female Characters: An unholy crap-ton. "Free Hugs" signs seen: Too many. Seriously, stop. It was cute... well, never. Especially not when held by pre-pubescent girls in already skimpy costumes. Dumbasses. -.-
All in all, it was a good con. Next year, I'm seriously gunning for a table again. o.o |
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 - 2:54 AM |
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