Latest Strip: "Thermal Break" - Wednesday, March 25, 2015
- Latest Strip: "Thermal Break" -
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
What a weekend... | |
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We got some good, some bad and some ugly.
First... the Good. I want to post that work I was talking about last time but never got around to posting here...
![]() I made a Gemsona! Based it off the Trinitite - a type of desert glass made during the original bomb test at the Trinity Site. You can read the full write up on Tumblr. Simply click the pic or hit this [Link]
The Bad is one of the reasons it took me so long to get this posted. I helped my friend put together his brand spankin' new computer. This thing is pretty sweet. It's loaded to the gills with memory, has a great graphics card and is rockin' a sweet SSD which loaded Way faster than I expected it to. The bad part is I spent the better part of Friday night/Saturday morning hunched over getting it all set up. It didn't even really cross my mind to stretch much beyond my usual pacing around to think. This left my back (and legs) in pretty bad shape. -.-
Thankfully, I'm better now. Back to doing the stretches I do to make my back all not-hurty and whatnot.
Now... the Ugly.
Normally, I'd keep this to myself but it hit me far harder than I was prepared for an affected the strip. On Saturday, I found out that a friend and fellow artist from back in my chatroom days had died in a unexpected and terrible way.
Her name was Elizabeth Wilbanks but I knew her as Winx.
She was a great artist and a cool person. Her work was at that level that I wanted to work harder to get on that level with her. She had a cartoony style that seemed almost effortless. We kinda' lost touch around the time when I started to cut myself off from the world and focus more on school and work. Around the end of last year, a group of us from the old chat got together on Facebook and we slowly reconnected. The one everyone was wondering about was Winx.
Turns out she died in February. -.-
I've lost a lot of folks in my time for many a reason. It's when violence is involved that it cuts me the deepest. So I say to you, dear readers, take a minute to tell folks who mean a lot to you - who may have even helped inspire you to greater things - what they mean to you while you can.
I know this post got quite heavy toward the end and I'm sorry. Fear not! I'm going to start rockin' out on the next strip tomorrow. Tonight, I'm going to chill with some friends and get my head straight.
'Till next time.
*Poof* |
Wednesday, March 25, 2015 - 5:21 PM |
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