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It's Alive! ALIVE!! O.O |
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I said at a reasonable volume as Win10 finished up the last of its updates without dissolving into a pile of unusable mush at 4am Saturday morning. = P
Seriously though, the only issue I've had so far is it won't flip into the screen saver. Not too much a problem at the moment as my screens are on a nifty power strip thingie so I can just flip the switch on them real easy like. Still an issue I'd like to see fixed as the beta worked fine. Not quite sure what happened but something doesn't want to let the system fall idle and I Think I might know who the culprit is... *cough cough Raptr cough*.
The scripts are coming along nicely. Going to put the finishing touches on the next story bit then see if I can come up with something smaller than 10+ strips (Before editing). If you want to ask the crew a question, now's your best time for a while.
Let's see if I can button a story up and get the next strip started before midnight. Maybe do a sketch break? A boy can dream... = )
Monday, August 3, 2015 - 9:39 PM |
Scripts Ahoy! |
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I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with one-shots and shorter scripts at the moment. A strange thing for me as I'm usually full of bad one-off jokes. = P
Anyhoo! I'm thinking about doing another single post next Wednesday. This should give me time to come up with something decent (hopefully) for some one-shots/shorts or just enough time for me to jump right into the next story bit. Either way, I'd like to not to take too long on this.
It's the summer, you folks keep coming back time after time and I'd rather you have something new and fresh here twice a week if I can swing it. = )
It's crazy humid here at my Art Desk and I'm a HDD backup away from installing Win10. I'm going to pop out and write while it possibly installs perhaps.
'Till next time! = )
Wednesday, July 29, 2015 - 10:30 PM |
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