Latest Strip: "Perched" - Sunday, October 4, 2015
- Latest Strip: "Perched" -
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Bye bye buffer... | |
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The next strip is a double-decker. It has officially eaten what's left of my wee lil' strip buffer. -.-
It was fun while it lasted and it proved that I can work farther ahead than I thought for a lot longer than I expected! = )
You might be wondering about all that energy I had to work. It's (thankfully) still here! It's just being split between this and that Drawlloween 2015 thingie. You can see the results of that over on my Tumblr as I'm posting little photos of them as I finish 'em off. -> [Art LinkTastic!]
Or... you could wait 'till I scan them all at the end of each week and do a big ol' post of those over on devArt. OR!! Or you could wait 'till the month's over and I pack everything up into a little Pay-What-You-Want book 'cause these are both fun and it's better than just having them sit around all loose and whatnot, right?
Anyhoo! I'm going to get back to sketching out the next strip then draw a random Biff 'cause Day 4 is "Vampire". Might have to scrap what I got for the top half. Just not feelin' it at the moment. Fear not, dear readers! I tend to end up with something far better on the second pass during times like this.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, October 4, 2015 - 12:51 AM |
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