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Story Time! = D |
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First: Points to anyone who knows where that first restaurants name comes from.
Now On to the Story! = D
My buddy and I hit up New York City every so often so I've seen this in person. You might be wondering "Why are there so few people in the streets of NYC?". Well... everything has a time. You stay out late enough and you'll see fewer people packed together on the streets. Where are they? Most likely in the bars, clubs and various eateries. It's neat 'cause you can actually see down the sidewalks pretty far when around the times folks get hungry. = )
I kinda' went back and forth on this one, though. People in the streets translates well to them being in the Big Apple... but personal experience (which this story bit is very loosely based) says otherwise. So I'm going to split the difference a bit.
Now to get back to work... and make a stop into Destiny to see what Xur's brought for the weekend.
'Till next time! = )
Friday, December 4, 2015 - 2:00 AM |
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