Latest Strip: "The Search Pt3" - Sunday, December 13, 2015
- Latest Strip: "The Search Pt3" -
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Mental Note... | |
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I'm not in my late teens/early 20's anymore. Staying up for 24 hours straight was a bad idea then. It's a worse idea now. o.@
So, I spent Saturday working a craft fair with my Ma. We've been doing this particular one every year for the past few years now. It's kind of a neat deal. I help her out as a table minion, she gets to work on her crochet projects without having to be constantly looking out for customers. Bonus: The folks that also for that fair have some nice gear for the holidays so we can snag some great gifts/gear from them.
For some reason, I just couldn't fall asleep the night before it. I've been keeping some fairly terribly hours as of late but it's never affected my ability to crash out like this. I finally hit a point of tossing and turning where I just stayed up and helped out at the fair. I made it to about 24 and a half hours before my body decided the lull in traffic toward the end of the fair was a fantastic signal to sleep now.
I was given an out, too. I could've stayed home but I'm a sucker for things like this and I did say I'd help. I was just happy I somehow kept my wits about me enough to be of use.
On the Plus Side: I spent a little quality time on my Holiday Gift Tag. Decided to use my character Prophet for it instead of my usual bunny girl, panda or Santa Moogle. - [Art LinkTastic!]
Now to spend a little more time on that (and maybe some more time racing Sparrows).
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, December 13, 2015 - 10:07 PM |
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