Latest Strip: "So Close" - Sunday, March 6, 2016
- Latest Strip: "So Close" -
Sunday, March 6, 2016
A Book from my Past... | |
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In an effort to see if I could stream from my tablet (and 'cause I wanted to add more to it anyway), I dropped some color onto the Leap(Frog) Day pic from last week. You can see the results here. -> [Art LinkTastic!]
I did this one in two different ways.
First, you have the very neat pin-up picture. Two kids playing leapfrog together happily ignoring the sign telling them to stay off the grass. Seeing as one of the kids IS an anthro frog girl, it's a safe bet it's a fantastical situation and would work well as a stand-alone illustration or a book cover.
The second is me going all out; trying some different layer functions in the newer SketchBook app and showing the little kid in mid-transformation into a frog like the girl they're playing with. There's a reason the sign is there. = )
Both ways make me think back to doing some manner of kids story where I take my love of goofy playful situations and mix it with my love of B-Movie body horror and scifi (read: Werewolves and Mutants and "Genetic Experiments Gone Wrong"-type of critters).
It was then my mind went back to a book I read many years ago as a kid.
I'd always been a horror fan and this ended up being right up my alley. It was a strange little book about a girl sending away for a pair of wings from an ad in the back of an old comic book. What she got was both better than expected and a bit more than she bargained for. This story hit all the right buttons for young Prophet and helped shape my love of kid stories with that strange form-shifting twist well into adulthood.
The book is 'Mail-Order Wings' by Beatrice Gormley. You can borrow it online via the Open Library here. -> [Book LinkTastic!]
It's a short, fun read even after all these years. Worth a look if you're down for a solid kid-friendly adventure with a light B-Movie twist.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, March 6, 2016 - 1:14 AM |
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