Latest Strip: "Totally Babies" - Monday, March 28, 2016
- Latest Strip: "Totally Babies" -
Monday, March 28, 2016
Mix it up! >.< | |
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Been wanting to answer this question since I got it. = )
When it comes to were-critters and the details of how the virus works, it's always fun to dig a little deeper into it. Stuff like the question in this strip is a great example.
I've discussed wereification on my Tumblr before but it never really made it over here. The three ways you can end up a were-critter are Curse, Infection or Inheritance. The first two sorta' lead to the last. Curses, being mystical in nature, have their own set of rules. With Red and Vinnie, they're more the last two in that Vinnie was bitten and Red inherited it from a member of her family.
If they were to have a kid, the child would be either a werewolf or a were-fox. Although I don't think wolfoxes really exist in nature, there's a bunch of strange crossbreeds that do -> [LinkTastic!]
Plus, I could see that being a bit of a badge of honor for the pup. That and the whole 'Being a Were-critter' thing. = )
I Did do an bunny-themed dealie for Easter this year. I'd post it but spending a weekend trying to get various bits of tech to function killed my drawing time. I'll pop that up once it's done.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Monday, March 28, 2016 - 9:45 PM |
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