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That Other Stuff I Do. |
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So, I got the bulk of this story bit written. I'm still writing it but it's far enough out that I can draw the front half and not worry too much about hitting the end all that soon. Risky? Yes but I really wanted to start this one sooner rather than later. = )
Also, I did another thing! = D
While I was away from my system last weekend, I drew up this little Lakitu guy. Tried my hand at making him look like it came from the same school as the later era Hanna-Barbera 'toons where every show was Scooby-Doo but with a talking car or a werewolf or a shark. I sorta' scrapped that idea afterward and just drew a Lakitu about to rain spiky death upon its targets (like they used to back in the NES days).
Back to writing and finishing up some other stuff for me. Not sure if I'll post a new strip on Wednesday or hold 'till Sunday. Depends on how much I finish between now and then.
'Till next time! = )
Monday, April 11, 2016 - 12:34 AM |
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