Latest Strip: "Penumbra" - Monday, May 23, 2016
- Latest Strip: "Penumbra" -
Monday, May 23, 2016
New Old Stuff on Gumroad! | |
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Since I can do neat stuff with Gumroad when it comes to pricing, I popped my old 2009 artbook, HoA Presents! House Special Vol.1, up there as a Pay-What-You-Want.
For those who missed it, I originally had this as a $2 offering at my personal website. It's the digital edition of a con-exclusive I had with me at what turned out to be the last con I tabled at (for the moment). It's 40 pages of pics from 2008 and the first half of 2009. I popped in some fanart, some traditional stuff, some digital stuff and two short comics - 'Modern-Day Metamorphosis' and the pencils for 'Night of the Lepus'.
Why is it now a Pay-What-You-Want dealie and not another $2 book? Well... it's old. I still love it 'cause I felt what was in it was my best work at the time. I'm down for doing a Vol.2 sometime later but Vol.1 still holds some merit.
If you're down for a little history, you can pic it up cheap over at the link right here. -> [LinkTastic!]
Now to get back to my other projects. Got my touchscreen laptop all set and ready to test some digital coloring. Might be just what I need to make progress on a commission!
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Monday, May 23, 2016 - 1:27 AM |
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