Latest Strip: "Part of a Balanced Breakfast" - Monday, September 29, 2008
- Latest Strip: "Part of a Balanced Breakfast" -
Monday, September 29, 2008
Comic Status and other Points of Interest | |
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First and foremost, the comic status. The strip may be a tad late due to edits (Which are done and live!) and weekend stuff but you folks have already noticed a pattern. Might just have to push things to a Monday upload schedule if I can't get this fixed up. The fact that my biggest concern is having to change my upload day is not only funny but reassuring. That means I've stuck to this long enough to consider those changes. = P
It's been what... over a year now of decent updates. From the looks of things, the 50th strip is fast approaching as well. I haven't been the best taskmaster but I do manage to get the strip done, huh. Honestly, this is proving to be far more interesting than I ever thought it would be. For those of you stopping by the site, subscribing to the RSS feed or just taking the time to read my humble strip, I thank you.
The last of the other points of interest part of the title concerns gaming. I found out that one of my favorite MMO's - Ragnarok Online - has sparked it's own free server after... well, far too long depending on who you asked. Not only have I downloaded the patch but I've already built a new character. If you just so happen to rock the free Valkyrie server, keep your eyes peeled for a white haired guy by the name of Veritas R. That'd be me and yes, I'm currently "Looking for Group." If you dig the strip, just do a shout out. = )
For now (since it's about 5:30am when I'm typing this), I'm going to head to bed. I'll get back to in the morning... well, work later in the morning. See ya' Sunday (Hopefully)!
*Poof* |
Saturday, October 4, 2008 - 5:42 AM |
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