Latest Strip: "Gym Ratatta Pt2" - Sunday, July 31, 2016
- Latest Strip: "Gym Ratatta Pt2" -
Sunday, July 31, 2016
I give you... ART! | |
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As you might know, my last phone died. My poor workhorse of a Lumia shuffled off this mortal coil with a blue screen and a frowny face. I replaced it with a Galaxy Note 5 pretty much just for the S-Pen as the specs were pretty equal between it and the other Samsung phones.
Anyhoo! I spent a few days working on it exclusively just trying to get a feel for it and how SketchBook runs on it. The result... a new Monster Girl! = D [Art LinkTastic!]
Been a bit since I drew a Moogle (anthro or otherwise), never mind tried drawing a pose that wasn't just my default "3/4th Standing with Slightly Upturned Head". It took me a bit to get the program into something close to the way I like it but it went pretty smooth once things got going.
If you're an artist looking for a new phone and - like me - don't feel like rocking an iPhone, give the Note series a try. The 4 has expandable memory and the 5 has some improvements to make it run smoother. Either way, worth a look.
Now to grab some grub and stretch a bit.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Monday, August 1, 2016 - 12:58 AM |
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