Latest Strip: "Call For Help" - Saturday, October 22, 2016
- Latest Strip: "Call For Help" -
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Mmm... Coffee. = ) | |
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Now that I have something to sip while I write...
I've been banging away at this year's Drawlloween topics and I can say for sure that I'm making Terrible choices when it comes to subject matter. In a good way, though. = )
If you want to see some of that action (as well as Work in Progress shots from another pic slowly I'm doing) you should get on board and follow my main account there. -> [Art LinkTastic!]
On the Biff front... yeah. Things are getting in the way. Mostly my own foolishness but some other things have cut into my work times. This week, I spent far too long out and about and slept much of my time away. That and I found my nice little NVidia Shield Tablet was slower than [Insert Fave Slow Thing Here] so I backed up my work, wiped it and rooted it for good measure. It's now back to its old peppy self for the time being. Seems the last update to Android's Marshmallow didn't agree with some of the stock NVidia stuff. Launcher3 was failing and slowing things to a crawl making using it for reference look-up damn near pointless. Needless to say, drawing on it (ie - The reason I own it) was out of the question 'till it could be fixed. -.-
All that and I got backed up. Not one to miss a week when I was So Close to being on time with this one, I'm dropping it now instead of scheduling it to post on Sunday. Won't promise I'll get another strip out for Sunday but I'm about to work on it and see if I can without making a mess or rushing it. Easier said than done but I'm down for the challenge.
Now to take my coffee, stretch and do just that.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Saturday, October 22, 2016 - 1:16 AM |
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