Latest Strip: "Starstruck" - Friday, November 18, 2016
- Latest Strip: "Starstruck" -
Friday, November 18, 2016
Neat Stuff Galore! = D | |
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Before I do the fun stuff, I should address the not-so-fun stuff real quick...
Like many folks, the recent election was a punch to the gut. I'm not happy with the winner but I'm damn devastated by what they brought with them. Just like England after the Brexit vote, there has been an amplification of hate and racism here in the US that - even a week on - is still going strong. Not going to sugarcoat it... this was outcome I feared. Not my candidate losing, but the country losing what little sense it had left.
Regardless of your preferred candidate, I ask that we all stand together against those who wish to divide us even more than we currently are. Together, we are stronger than their hate.
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Now that I have That out of my system... On to the Neat Stuff! >.<
- New Art: In honor of that magic missing hour that comes and goes with the switch between Daylight Savings and Standard Time, I drew a Time Mage Moogle and posted the flats up to my Instagram a few days ago. [Art LinkTastic!]
- English Dubbed Gundam: Seems Gundam.Info popped up the first three episodes of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin up to their YouTube channel. Best part is they dropped both the Subbed and Dubbed versions. Great for folks like myself who like the series but want to listen to it while they work. Check 'em out while you can! [Video LinkTastic!]
- Possible Art Videos: Found out recently that I can use Google Play's Games app to record Anything I want. Much like the old CD swap trick to get homebrew and burned games to play on older game consoles, I can quit out of whatever game I was set to record and use the function on... anything, really. Turns out it's just a big ol' screen capture program that doesn't need me to root my gear. What's this mean for you? Well, I can now record my cellphone drawings and possibly pop those up for folks to watch!
That's a whole lotta' neat that will hopefully bring some good to folks and lighten your day a bit. I'm personally really happy about the Gundam stuff 'cause I haven't seen the 3rd Origins OVA yet. A good way to wind down, ya' know?
I'll start in on the next strip tomorrow and, again, push to getting these out on the regular. I miss my twice a week updates. It was how I kept track of time...
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Friday, November 18, 2016 - 2:29 AM |
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