Latest Strip: "Transitional State" - Sunday, October 12, 2008
- Latest Strip: "Transitional State" -
Sunday, October 12, 2008
24 Hour Comic Day - This Saturday?! | |
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Absolutely, True Believers! = D
Alright, no more Stan Lee references but 24 Hour Comic Day is coming up quick. For those of you unfamiliar with this working holiday of sorts, all you need to know is it's an artistic challenge. You have 24 hours to write and draw a 24 page comic book (25 if you draw the cover). The timer starts when you do and keeps going for the whole 24 regardless of your rests and breaks. You walk into this thing empty - no scripts, no designs, no nothing - though indirect prep (gathering tools, music, some reference stuff) is cool. You can read the official rules at his page here -> [Link]
There are three possible outcomes for it: - You make the deadline. - You do your best in the 24 hours and stop once the clock does. - You do your best in the 24 hours but decide to finish it anyway.
To be honest, I've attempted this once before and got a single page done. This time around (years after that first attempt), I think my skills have improved a bit more and I might make it. If not, I'll do the third option and go for a noble failure.
Those who know are probably questioning why I'm going for the 24pp/24hrs comic challenge and not the 100 panels/24hrs webcomic challenge. It's not because I wouldn't honestly dig a 100 panel infinite canvas webcomic. I kinda' want to take on the original challenge again. Consider it... Revenge! >.< *Shakes Fist*
Also, still looking for input on the site redesign. Check it out at
*Poof* |
Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 4:03 PM |
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