Latest Strip: "Ice Cream Social" - Sunday, July 2, 2017
- Latest Strip: "Ice Cream Social" -
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Life is like a Hurricane... | |
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As a guy who grew up during the 90's (less "90's Kid", more "Mid-to-Late 80's through 90's Kid"), I grew up on the Disney Afternoon. It was what I came home to and, along with the old WB and FOX cartoon blocks, holds a special place in my cold dead heart. = )
With Disney bringing out a brand new DuckTales series, they're hyping the hell out of it. They're doing little sneak peek videos and dropping artwork everywhere and it looks... surprisingly good so far. I'm always wary of redos/reboots/re-imaginings of things I dug years ago 'cause they are hit or miss at best.
Case in Point: - Teen Titans GO! is not my thing yet I loved the original. - I enjoyed the modern takes He-Man, ThunderCats and Voltron enough to want to watch them more than once. Those series were my jam growing up. - I dug the My Little Pony reboot so much that I made a joke about in the comic itself. = )
Since it's still a bit (from the posting of this) 'till the new series drops, I can't say if I'll ultimately like it but Hot Damn those new duck designs are neat. Disney even popped a Duck maker into their DisneyXD app. It didn't work out too well for me for some reason, so I did what any self-respecting cartoonist with no real time to devote to something does... I drew my own. -> [DuckTastic!]
I also tried out the whole recording option in the SketchBook app. I'll pop those videos up soon. I also need to ask the fine folks at Autodesk if they can add some options to it 'cause... yeah. The way I draw does not bode well for the easily motion sick. A few extra frames (and the ability to lock the recording's orientation without locking the canvas's orientation) would Really help an artist out. o.o
Next strip is the last one for this story bit. After that, I'm thinking a one-shot or so before I hop into the next one. A belated Happy Canada Day, an early Happy 4th and a Happy week/weekend to everyone else!
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, July 2, 2017 - 9:00 PM |
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