Latest Strip: "A World Without Light" - Tuesday, July 18, 2017
- Latest Strip: "A World Without Light" -
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
D2 Beta!! = D | |
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I'm not going to lie... I'm going to spend a while playing the Destiny 2 Beta. Not only 'cause "Destiny!" but it gives me a little break from things. Unlike my talk online, it's a Very safe bet I'm not going to spend the entire period during Early and Open Beta times playing the game. As much as I love me some space shooter-y goodness, I'm an old man who can't hang like I used to.
That and I don't think I've sank a stereotypically Obsessed Gamer-amount of time on a game in years. I think I put in some serious work on Skyrim and Bioshock when I got them but that was less wanting to play it and more seeing what goofy things I could pull off or fantastic environmental details I could scope out. = )
Expect new Biff in a couple of weeks (unless otherwise noted).
While I'm away, there is something I'd like to ask of folks. Normally, I'm not down with industry awards. This one is a bit different.
It's the Ringo Awards - named for comic artist Mike Wieringo (Ringo). He was a fantastic artist and cool guy who was taken from us far too soon. These awards are in his honor. I learned that they recently extended the nominating deadline 'till midnight of July 24th (last day was originally today). If you dig my strip (or want to nominate another) and want to show some love to your fave artists/writers/colorists/letterers/etc and you have a minute, please fill out the ballot at their site:
I'm off to get some late night coffee 'cause I still have some work to take care of before the fun starts.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Tuesday, July 18, 2017 - 2:29 AM |
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