Latest Strip: "Trust" - Wednesday, October 25, 2017
- Latest Strip: "Trust" -
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Newsletter A-Go-Go! | |
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So... Yeah! The Newsletter. -.-
Like the creepy guy from Darksiders says: Here is the Story so far...
The subscribers list was cleaned. Even so, it Still tosses up errors and has address that are real addresses that it simply can't deliver to 'cause they're being absolutely blasted by spam. Nothing I can do to stop or fix that from where I'm at beyond killing those addys.
That still wouldn't fix the biggest problem - My newsletter's current sign-up box being used as part of someone's beat stick.
So how do I fix that? I move on to a different system. That system is TinyLetter - a MailChimp service for folks that don't need all the extra stuff their main service provides. It's clean, simple and has MailChimp's Double Opt-In system so it should cut down on my comic being used to flood other folks' inboxes.
I'll be switching out the current code for the new stuff in November but you can get ahead of everything by signing up there now. -> [Newsletter LinkTastic!]
This strip and the next one will be the last two to go out on my existing list. After that, you'll simply have to sign back up again on the new one. I'd love to move my existing list over (a Very nice option that's offered) but I can't trust it enough to be just folks who want the strip.
So if you still want Biff in your Inbox and don't want a break in your service, you Need to use the link above and make sure you're on the new list.
Next Week will be something special 'cause Halloween. I'm going to finish my coffee and then attempt sleep. Or a nap. Both are good options.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, October 25, 2017 - 6:58 AM |
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