Latest Strip: "Who Need a Shave" - Wednesday, November 22, 2017
- Latest Strip: "Who Need a Shave" -
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
It's Almost Turkey Day!! = D | |
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Have a pair of Hand Turkeys from last year! - [Gobble Gobble]
This one's a short post. I'm still kinda' hit by allergies and it's making my bed and a darkened room seem like the greatest combo since peanut butter and jelly. o.@
One the Plus Side: I have out-of-state family visiting so that should be fun. Haven't seen them in a bit so it'll be mostly catching up and talking about random game and art stuff time for me this weekend.
I also finished getting and installing the last of my Main System upgrades. I'm now rocking an Athlon X4 760k. The next step (once I'm absolutely ready) is a full-on hardware switch to something new. That won't be happening for a few years if I can swing it. My current system is as maxed out as I plan on taking it... unless I can find another cheap 8gig DDR3 stick and fully max out my RAM. When I'm set to leave it for something new, it has the power to become a solid dedicated streaming rig/backup system. = )
Time for me to the voodoo that I do every so often. For those in the US, have a Happy Thanksgiving. For everyone else... have a Happy Thursday. For the lot of ya'... stay safe and remember that folks who have to work during the many versions of the Black Friday sales weekend are people, too. People who've had to deal with far more folks in various forms of Busy Shopper. Treat them nice and try not to think ill of them if they're short with you.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 - 12:20 AM |
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