Latest Strip: "A Silly Vampire's Christmas Pt2" - Sunday, December 14, 2008
- Latest Strip: "A Silly Vampire's Christmas Pt2" -
Sunday, December 14, 2008
UStream and other such groovy nonsense. | |
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Here's a head's up on some stuff I have been doing lately while I write up some newness for the new year and drawing up the next few strips:
- Biff on Twitter: I figured that some folks might not want to get all the randomness that I spout on a daily basis so I set up a separate Twitter account for folks who just want to follow the comic. On the next site update, the nice little graphical link will replace the Pownce link as that has gone to the big tech cloud in the sky it seems.
- HoA Presents! on UStream: UStream - like Stickam - is a way for folks to stream a live broadcast of just about anything they want to the internet at large. I personally watch a couple every now and again (Scott Kurtz, Kris Straub, Chris Pirillo and Lizardbeth to name a few). I decided to finally buckle down and sign up... mostly for my name in the chatroom but also because no I can join in on the fun! = D
Currently, I have a live action setup at my new house so I can draw on camera. Unlike the existing footage on YouTube, it'll be flipped so you guys can see the paper how I see it. Tested it last night and the setting seem to be holding. I also got my mitts on a program called SplitCam that should let you guys see me doing the voodoo I do in Fireworks 4. = )
That's about it for now. I'll drop a link in Twitter and probably here when I do up some live stuff. 'Till next time!
*Poof* |
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - 5:07 PM |
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