Latest Strip: "Night of the Lepus Pt3" - Sunday, March 11, 2018
- Latest Strip: "Night of the Lepus Pt3" -
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Biff Book Vol.5 is... Go? o.O | |
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Kinda' sorta'... yeah. o.o
Here's the deal: Having just finished off yet another strip book, I got to thinking about how I haven't worked on Vol.5 since I set up the folder and separated the strips out Way Back when I made Vol.4 (so... about three years ago!) and how I'm about to start on my Tenth strip book. With each Biff Book being effectively the contents of one of these strip books... that's not just a gap, that's me being five books behind. Six if you count the one I'm starting.
I had a think about it, asked my Patrons and I officially started the work on Vol.5 - Werewolf of Willimantic* on Tuesday. The strips in this are from 2012-2013 and A Lot of how I work and what I use has changed.
Case in Point: My main font got a refresh about a year or so ago! = )
I've had Fireworks prompt me about fixing fonts on even relatively new strips ever since I updated my copy of WebLetterer Pro a bit ago. I've since spent the past couple of days on this project fixing word balloons 'cause the font is slightly smaller, more compact (without me having to mess with kerning/leading) and has a face name changed from Bold to Bold Italic. Where - way back when - all I'd be doing is touching up the artwork in places and Maybe fixing the text I am now going through and fixing the text of each strip and making new balloons. I am effectively remaking 47+ strips sans draw time so things will look Awesome. I'm going to go as all in as I can on this to get a product out to folks faster, too.
So... it's going to be a minute before I can post anything new.
I'll try to get some new comic drawing time in so I don't burn out on getting this done but I can't say for certain I'll have a new strip posted anytime soon.
Just a heads up that, if I go dark here, it's because I'm working on some Biff Book goodness. I promise that I'll pop up some pics of the cover once I get to drawing it.
'Till next time! = )
*Title Subject to Change |
Friday, March 16, 2018 - 1:10 AM |
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