Latest Strip: "Quick Work" - Monday, April 9, 2018
- Latest Strip: "Quick Work" -
Monday, April 9, 2018
About the artwork I mentioned... | |
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I wanted to drop links to it ASAP but... I forgot. -.-
I Did spend the week getting more stuff done on Biff Vol5 so I'm calling it a bit of a win. = )
Without further ado... The Pics! = D - This is a poster idea I originally drew up while at the dentist of all places. This would be the second pass. It involves the witches I've drawn during the past few Drawlloweens. -> [Art LinkTastic!] - And here's the first part of that piece. I figured it'd be a better take to draw the four characters individually and make a larger composite afterward. -> [Art LinkTastic!]
The basic idea is I've wanted to do something with those characters for a bit now. Instead of doing something like a full-blown story which - if it's anything like my other story ideas - would fall by the wayside to Biff stuff, I figured starting "Small" would be a good spot. That way I get the idea down about out to the world without writing checks my butt can't or won't cash for quite some time.
I still have three (Technically Two) more witches to sketch. I'll drop those to Instagram when they happen. Before that happens, I have a cover to make so don't expect an influx of magic folk until that's done. For now... it's Ice Cream Time for me!
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Monday, April 9, 2018 - 12:43 AM |
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