Latest Strip: "A Short Wait" - Monday, April 30, 2018
- Latest Strip: "A Short Wait" -
Monday, April 30, 2018
And Back to Normal...? o.o | |
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Well, as normal as things get around here. = )
With Biff Vol5 done and moving through the various systems it's set to move through, I'm going to take it a little easier. A little bit for my health but mostly so I can draw up some other stuff.
This doesn't mean I'm going to stop on the strip and work on other things until it's all out of my system. It means I'm going to make more of an effort to complete some of these sketches I've started. Case in Point - This year's "Alien Day" (4/26) pic. I started it while out and about with my friend. Got home later, set my sketchbook down and haven't gotten back to it since. I put in work to get this post done. You can see where I stopped here. -> [Art LinkTastic!]
After I finish this bit of news, I'm going to bum around the Cosmodrome in Destiny 1 for a bit to get my Warsat and general horde mode mojo back in shape for when the new DLC drops next week. As always, I'm going to mindlessly wreck bad guys while figuring out what direction I want to go with that pic. I'm using my Xenomorph Girl and I want it to be my usual brand of funny but I'm thinking about adding some of the horror aspects of the franchise to it. Maybe have it something like those scenes where a Marine is surprised by a drone just before they get shredded just... not with that outcome. o.O
So... yeah! That's my mindset. I have plenty of scripts so that's set. I just want to spend a little more quality time with my non-Biff artwork (for as much as my mind will let me). Probably won't affect the current schedule any just know that it's in play.
In the end, it means more art goodness from me for you. And it means I have a place outside of the strip to play around with new techniques and make random goofy stuff.
'Till next time folks! = )
*Poof* |
Tuesday, May 1, 2018 - 12:29 AM |
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