Latest Strip: "Froot Loops" - Wednesday, July 18, 2018
- Latest Strip: "Froot Loops" -
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Ad & Subtract | |
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As you may have noticed (depending on your ad blocker settings), the ads on the site are missing.
This isn't a thing I'm personally doing. I'm one of those odd ducks who Likes some ads and used the ones on my site to find new comics. Unfortunately, this is the most visible part in the closing of Project Wonderful - the awesome service I and others used for our ads for years. When I stopped by my site on the night they stopped feeding their widgets, it kinda' hit that yeah... my fave service really was shutting down. -.-
The next part is about to get fairly business-y so feel free to skip!
My idea going forward is to convert the header space into in-house ads. Think of it as a larger version of the rotating ad just above this news post. The skyscraper on the right-hand side is going to be switched over to a widget from one of the comic reader networks I've joined so I and others can still find new stories to read without a bunch of junk ads messing things up. The ad in the footer might end up getting switched back to the Google Ads spot that you'll find at the bottom of other sections of the site. It's low risk but it's also a thing I doubt folks will miss if it disappeared.
If you want to see the changes before I send them live, I'll most likely be updating them over at the Index Test page. -> [LinkTastic!]
Now that the weather is playing nicer, I might be able to start the next strip after I finish posting this. Need to get everything I can down before the crazy local humidity reaches the 90% ranges again. My strip book has been looking puffier than me as of late. Not a good thing for drawing.
'Till next time, folks! = )
*Poof* |
Thursday, July 19, 2018 - 12:22 AM |
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