Latest Strip: "Soft Server" - Sunday, May 19, 2019
- Latest Strip: "Soft Server" -
Sunday, May 19, 2019
More Progress! = ) | |
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On what, you ask? Well... Not the website. Not yet, anyway. I need to sit down with that later.
No, this is progress I can easily show 'cause it's in the form of Notes! = D
It's that Mermay poster idea. I have some stuff now down on paper and yes, I have a pic of what I'm about to discuss. You can find it over on my IG account here. -> [Notes!]
I had some time to work on it while at the first of this year's 3rd Thursday Street Fest events in Willimantic, CT (As in the real world version of the place Biff and the Crew live). It was a slow night so I sketched up this one design that kept coming up whenever I pictured the end result. When I got home later that night, I dug through my fonts and came up with some titles. Nothing too crazy or fancy, mind you. Just some ideas.
Here's where I'm at so far... - Title: 'Saltwater Girlfriend' - Tagline: 'Cassie found the perfect girl. Strong... Caring... Aquatic.' - The image itself is going to run on the cooler side. Blues with pops of color for both May (the "Mermaid") and Cassie (the human). - Although I'm probably not going to do much more with it beyond this single image, I have thought of story stuff. It'd lean more toward being a standard Romcom with my typical monster twist. - I'm still floating the idea (Ha!) of Cassie's full name being "Cassiopeia" with the idea that her parents thought it sounded cool and not really knowing the myth behind it. If not that, I'll default to "Star" as I have it in my head that May was coming up to look at the stars and bumped into Cassie - a girl named after a constellation.
Again, those are the rough note so far. I mostly just want to work on this actual poster. I want to try some things on it that'll really help me out on another project. For now... I have the next strip to finish lettering and the usual stretching and foodening to do.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, May 19, 2019 - 12:35 AM |
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