Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #47: IT! The Bunny from Beyond Space" - Wednesday, October 30, 2019
- Latest Strip: "Off-Sides: #47: IT! The Bunny from Beyond Space" -
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
All Hallow's Eve... Eve | |
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As you could probably figure from the website and the characters in the strip and just the comic in general, I'm a fan of Halloween. This is my holiday. In years past, I would try my best to setup a Midnight Movie Marathon of Public Domain horror and scifi movies on or exceptionally close to Halloween night using an online video service called Livestream for any and all folks to get together and watch some old flicks.
Well... as with all good things, that came to an end recently when the particular part of their offered services that I used to successfully stream these things without fear of my dread 'Net connection cutting out on me and everyone else has ended. I was bummed but that's just how things go sometimes. That said, I'm still down for introducing you - the readers - to the things I enjoy (and will be enjoying) watching this holiday for as long as they're available. = )
My Current Watchlist: No joke. MGM's official YouTube page is loading up a bunch of the classic Addams Family episodes onto their account. These are honest-to-goodness episodes, too. Not just episode clips. Not illegally uploaded by a 3rd party or a fan. These are great quality vids but they do lack the full opening theme. Still, it's a sacrifice I can take for access to watch a fave show of mine, if only for as long as MGM sees fit.
- It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown It's a classic. Like the Christmas Special, I try to make time to watch this when I can. Again, it's available through the official ABC website but I don't know if it's available everywhere. I know I'm getting station info from one of the ABC affiliates in my area. Not sure if that's a deal breaker for folks outside the US. -.-
The horror classic that redefined the Zombie film in all of it's funky chunky old film glory. Thanks to a mistake, this has been in the Public Domain for years. You can find this copy and a few tweaked/corrected/clearer copies over at the Internet Archive but this grubby one holds a special place in my heart (and movie collection).
That's all for now! From everyone here at the House of Amill, we hope you and yours has a Safe and Happy Halloween/Thursday.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Wednesday, October 30, 2019 - 12:55 AM |
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