Latest Strip: "Back to Life" - Sunday, March 1, 2020
- Latest Strip: "Back to Life" -
Sunday, March 1, 2020
And now for something completely different... | |
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How do I celebrate this year's comic anniversary? By starting a story bit set in the comic's world from folks with no connection to the Biff and the Crew and a HUGE Tonal shift from the light and goofy stuff we just got out of. = D
Seriously though... This is something I've wanted to do for a while. Not so much the starting with such a heavy hit but by seeing how folks in the universe live outside the usual three or four spots in CT. I've touched on this a little in other strips over the years like with Red's childhood, Biff's years traveling with Ember for the Legion and even recently with Azure coming from her home in Florida. Monsterfolk are all over the place. Let's see how they live for a while (so to speak).
On a Lighter Note: - I posted my Slimefolk pack for the Sims 4! = )
You can find it on the Extras page in with all the other game-related stuff I've made over the years. Or you can click the download link here. -> [TS4 StuffTastic!]
It has all the bits to make Fred's non-Newtonian girlfriend/resident slime girl, Amy Permano, and populate your world with random Slimefolk! It's something I started making late last year for my own use and thought it might be a neat gift to start off this new year of strips.
- Get Biff Volume 1 through 3 for a limited time by joining my Patreon! = D
This was another thing I wanted to do... sorta'. I wanted to have the next book all set and ready to go but things went about as according to plan as anything else I've done (read: It didn't). Instead, I decided to do a limited time offer involving my Patreon. Basically, if you join between now and sometime after my birthday in April - 04.20 - you will get access to the digital editions of the first three Biff Books. It's as simple as that. There's only one tier to the thing and it's a dollar so... yeah!
Want early access to finished comics, free hi-res downloadables of my artwork, a neat printable Official 'Legions of Undead for Societal Respect' Membership card AND a limited time chance to get the first three Biff Books for whatever you're willing to throw at me? Now's your chance! Show some Love Here. -> [Patreon LinkTastic!]
I think that's about it for me for now. I've got the next comic to ink and a loud voice in my mind to convince that this crazy story bit experiment I'm trying is going to be worth it in the long run.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, March 1, 2020 - 1:02 AM |
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