Latest Strip: "Dine on Arrival" - Sunday, March 15, 2020
- Latest Strip: "Dine on Arrival" -
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Gundam Goodness! = D | |
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First up, the reminder that I'm giving away the first three volumes of Biff to my Patrons for a limited time. For as low as a dollar a month, you get all the stuff I do - the art, the vids, the special downloadables and more - PLUS! You get Biff Books Vol 1 through 3 if you join between now and sometime close to my birthday (April 20th). That's over a month's worth of time to get free stuff and the warm fuzzies that come from supporting your local cartoonist. = )
You can become a Patron or, if you just want to keep an eye on things, you can simply follow me there. Either way, you can find it here. -> [Patreon LinkTastic!]
Now... on with the Show!
For a limited time, Gundam.Info has up on their YouTube page the full Sub and English Dub for a few of their Universal Century-based Gundam movies. There's three to watch (and I'll link them all) but the one I was waiting for was Gundam Narrative. It's the follow-up to their fantastic Gundam Unicorn series of OVAs and involves a suit from one of their Gundam Front in-store films - The Phenex Gundam.
It's a nice little story that actually works a bit on its own. Although it's set after most of the franchise's main series, anything too lore heavy is explained enough that you could walk into it like any other film and not need to have touched the 40 years of franchise. The weirdness is taken care of in quips and flashbacks and natural explanations so as not to leave non-fans out in the cold dark of space while things happen around them. = )
The other films are the two MSG Thunderbolt films. They're set during the shows big driving event - The One Year War - toward the end of the conflict. Like before, you can go in fairly blind and have a good time. Thunderbolt has something going for it that I haven't seen in a mecha heavy series like Gundam before... it has a solid Jazz soundtrack. It runs from straight up proper jazz to off-beat experimental jazz for certain characters and scenes. If you dig music, this might help you get into the story.
For those films (and more), here's some linkage. - MS Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 (series): [Link] - MS Gundam Narrative (film set in UC0097): [Link] - MS Gundam Thunderbolt - December Sky (UC0079): [Link] - MS Gundam Thunderbolt - Bandit Flower (UC0079): [Link]
Hopefully, these flicks and everything else here will help folks get through this less-than-awesome time. Plans are being derailed, folks are getting sick and no one's really prepared for something like this on this large a scale. I can only hope that folks take it easy and stay as safe as they can. For those inside, watch some anime and maybe burn through some webcomics. I know this here strip isn't that long and it is a fairly easy read. = )
I'm off to watch those Thunderbolt films while I finish up the next strip. This past week felt like a decade and ate my will to work so that buffer I had? Yeah... I'm starting over. Them's the breaks, ya' know?
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, March 15, 2020 - 1:21 AM |
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