Latest Strip: "Dead Man's Party" - Sunday, December 13, 2020
- Latest Strip: "Dead Man's Party" -
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Ha HA! Updates... | |
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So... it really has been a bit since that last update, huh? It was not my intention but Hey! Things are a little better here at the House of Amill. Here's a rundown of what I've been up to:
- Artwork: I got a few pics done! Not only did I manage to finish the two from the previous update, I also managed to do a couple more. First up is fanart of Biko from Brookes Eggleston's project 'Stormfellers'. The next is the line art and flats for another fake movie poster idea from this past Drawlloween. Lastly, a work-in-progress pic of something that's kinda' Biff-related and will drop as an Off-Sides while I finally continue work on the last of parts of this current story bit.
> 2020 Christmas Tag - [Link] > Santa Moogle (with Timelapse) - [Link] > Biko - [Link] > WiP's for next fake Movie Poster - [Link] > WiP for this year's Valentine's Day pic - [Link]
- The Comic: Real talk... it's still been kinda' tough to return to the current story bit with everything going on in the world. Again, reality keeps reminding me this was Absolutely the worst time to do a mildly dramatic story about Death and a group of zombies. I continue to attempt to deny that reality and substitute it with my own. To that end (now that I'm done with this recent pic), I'm buckling down to finish the next few strips back to back.
Just like when I do double-deckers or try to build my buffer, I'll post the pencils to Patreon as I finish them. And as with all of those posts, it's free for everyone to see immediately when they drop. Once I've finished everything up, I'll set them to drop weekly (unless a miracle happens and I can magically pump out a high enough number to go back to the Sunday/Wednesday schedule again).
- Other Things: In past few months, I've gained a couple of comics I've been meaning to add to my shelf. It's been nice to just sit down and read some of these collections - both old and new stories - and not think about what I have to do for a minute. Lately, one of the things I've been having trouble with is getting too deep into my own head when wanting to work on things. Nothing kills a mood like sitting down to write or draw and just... Not.
My goal isn't to really pretend everything is fine but I'd like to be able to set things I have no control over off to the side for a bit while I make some goofy jokes about a silly vampire without the lingering feeling that "I Need to Do Something". Sitting back and reading titles like 'Shadoweyes' or 'Blacksad: Amarillo' have taken that edge off and helped me get ideas for Biff stuff jotted down or, at the very least, out of my system.
I also got a few new art tools and Gunpla kits for Christmas but all that's going to wait 'till after the work gets done. = )
I really hope folks are doing okay. Things are... still bad. Not going to sugar coat it but things won't be "Good" for a while. There are still some big messes in the world to be cleaned up, things are still fairly sketchy just about everywhere and most of us are still only able to be along for the ride no matter how much we'd like to bail on this rollercoaster and maybe hit the benches and sleep. Things are starting to look up, though. Everything isn't going to magically get better but we at least have a little more room to breathe per se. A little more time to think and put in the work needed to start fixing stuff.
I've cleaned off my Art Desk, popped on some music and I'm about to dig back into these strips. Since Valentine's Day is on a Sunday, I'll be able to drop this last pic on the holiday it was made for so that's cool. As always: Stay Strong. Stay Safe. Wear a Mask.
'Till next time! = )
Monday, February 8, 2021 - 10:10 PM |
'Tis the Season... | |
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Along with trying to polish off these last few strips of this story bit before Year's end, I'm also working on my usual non-Biff artwork. Namely, my annual Christmas Tag. I did an exceptionally rough 2min sketch on my phone after an eye appointment of a ghost in the usual Santa Hat and sack o' gifts getup I always do. I like it so far but I'm going to do a proper pencil redraw later 'cause that's how I roll with that series. = )
You can see that rough sketch here: [Art LinkTastic!]
I'm also looking to do a "Holiday" icon pic dealie for my social media places. Although I'm still not 100% keen on the program, I want to try doing this one in Clip Studio Paint. I've spent a very short amount of time in it and it feels a little too much like Photoshop for my tastes (I never liked PS). But I Think I can set things up to be more comfortable in it.
Plus it has both a built-in timelapse feature in the desktop version And a built-in setup for making comic books in the program without having to do all the layout in InDesign afterward. Fewer programs to do the digital stuff I want to do is worth another shot, right?
As for the pic I want to test the program with, you can find that rough sketch here: [Art LinkTastic, Kupo!]
That's about it for now. I hope folks stick around a bit longer for the end of this story bit. There's just two or three more strips to go... depending on if I can bust out the last double decker I have written in time. As always: Stay Strong. Stay Safe. Wear a Mask.
'Till next time! = )
*Poof* |
Sunday, December 13, 2020 - 12:58 AM |
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