Latest Strip: "Enter Vinnie" - Sunday, February 1, 2009
- Latest Strip: "Enter Vinnie" -
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Good news perhaps? | |
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I tried posting this last night but it was quickly eaten due to updates and the resetting of my system. If you have been keeping an eye on my Twitter feed, you notice that I have come down with a seriously heinous bug. Honestly, it feels like Con Crud without that lovely afterglow that comes from actually attending a convention. Needless to say, the strip is seeing more setbacks than it has in a bit. I'm doing my best but even a simple four panels is proving hard. You folks know me, I'll get better soon enough and we'll be back on track. = )
The good news that was mentioned in the title is the fine folks that run ConnectiCon finally made their redesigned site live! Drop by and scoop some tickets, it'll be well worth it. This is the convention I hit up every year and it has always had something new every time it pops up. Bonus: It makes for a great alternative to the ultra-massive cons like San Diego Comic Con. I'm trying to snag an artist's table this year so, with luck, you'll see my friend and I peddling our wares and pimping Biff stuff like there's no tomorrow. = )
Swing by the site at for all the details. It's back to the drawing board for me. Hopefully I can get stuff done before the medicine kicks in. Later folks!
*Poof* |
Friday, February 13, 2009 - 7:17 PM |
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